What else are they for?
One afternoon, when my oldest was off at kindergarten, I received a phone call from her teacher. She told me that at recess, my daughter had taken one of the small pea gravel rocks from the playground and put it in her ear. They had tried to get the rock out, but were unable to reach it. Could I please come get her and take her to the doctor to remove it? I called the doctor's office, got in the car, and picked up my little girl.
Sure enough, there was a rock in her ear. It was flat at one end, making it difficult to grab with tweezers. Our doctor brought us right in, and was able to remove the rock with only minor difficulty. Everything was better, and there was even enough of the school day left for my daughter to return to school, and do the art project the rest of the class was working on.
Flustered by the entire experience, I asked my oldest, "WHY did you put a rock in your ear?" She simply answered, "I didn't have any pockets."
Well, of course. What else are those ears for?
Sure enough, there was a rock in her ear. It was flat at one end, making it difficult to grab with tweezers. Our doctor brought us right in, and was able to remove the rock with only minor difficulty. Everything was better, and there was even enough of the school day left for my daughter to return to school, and do the art project the rest of the class was working on.
Flustered by the entire experience, I asked my oldest, "WHY did you put a rock in your ear?" She simply answered, "I didn't have any pockets."
Well, of course. What else are those ears for?
You know, she's been trying to rewrite history by denying that that was her reason for putting the rock in her ear. Unfortunately, too many of us were around for the original incident for that to be successful....
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